Stress Less: 6 Effective Relaxation Methods to Try Today

Do you suffer from stress overload? 

If so, you’re certainly not alone. In fact, 55% of Americans report experiencing stress on a daily basis. These stress levels are higher than in any other country in the world. 

When we consider that half the population is suffering from stress overload, it’s easy to see why stress has become such a national concern. The good news is that there are simple relaxation methods that can help to mitigate your stress levels. In learning these tactics, you can slowly begin to transform your life and commit to a healthier lifestyle. 

If you’re tired of feeling stressed out all the time, you’re going to want to read this. We’re uncovering six relaxation methods that are sure to be effective in reducing stress. From exercise and meditation to deep breathing and massage, these relaxation methods can be practiced by anyone. 

1. Movement  

Of course, the idea of exercise doesn’t always seem appealing when you’re experiencing high stress.

This is especially the case if you’re dealing with a jam-packed schedule or busy with constraints of work and family. But, the truth is, committing to an exercise regime is one of the most effective ways to combat your stress. 

Remember, doing a physical activity produces endorphins. These are the “feel good” chemicals that encourage feelings of happiness and act as natural pain killers. These endorphins also better our sleep schedule and help us to fend off illness and disease. 

To increase your daily movement, try committing to thirty minutes of physical activity per day. Even simple tasks such as walking to work, taking the stairs and cycling to appointments are sure to add up. 

2. Deep Breathing 

The practice of deep breathing is a simple and yet effective tool for minimizing stress. 

Not only can deep breathing take as little as a few minutes, but it can also be practiced anywhere and at any time. This could be in bed before you go to sleep or on public transit before an important meeting. The ability to practice anywhere is what makes deep breathing such a plausible relaxation method. 

With deep breathing, the goal is to calm and free your mind. To do so, begin by closing your eyes and encouraging your body to be as still as possible. From here, you can begin to take slow and deep breaths that follow a manageable timeframe.  

For example, you may inhale your breath for a period of five seconds and then exhale your breath for a period of seven seconds. This pattern should be repeated a number of times until your mind has entered a blissful state of calm. While this may take practice, it’s well worth taking the time to do so. 

3. Massage Therapy 

In addition to relieving us physically, massage therapy is also incredibly constructive in minimizing our mental stress. 

This is because massage therapy naturally calms our mind and releases endorphins. As these endorphins are released, both our bodies and our mind will begin to feel at ease. This is a moment in time in which our body has the power to almost entirely relax. 

Research also shows that routine massages can decrease the production of cortisol. This is a stress-producing hormone that can lead to feelings of overwhelm and anxiety as well as high blood pressure and migraines. 

4. Mantra Repetition

Have you ever tried repeating a mantra aloud? 

Of course, talking aloud to yourself may feel uncomfortable at first. But, mantras have proven to be incredibly effective for those suffering from stress, anxiety or depression.

In repeating your mantra, the idea is to free your mind of the stressful clutter that has overtaken your body and mind. In its place is a positive affirmation that, after many repetitions, will slowly transform into a natural way of thinking. For example, a general mantra can be as simple as “everything is going to work out and I will be okay”. 

For beginners, mantras can be practiced silently and during mindfulness meditation. With this, encourage your body to rest and repeat your mantra silently to yourself. Some may find this method to be a more comfortable means of practicing your mantra repetition. 

It’s also important to note that mantras don’t always have to have a religious or spiritual component. Instead, it can simply be a mantra that is personal to your own wellbeing and beliefs. 

5. Visualization 

Visualization, or guided imagery, is the act of visualizing a soothing and joyful image in your mind. 

Not only will this encourage your mind to focus on a singular image, but it will also transform your innermost thoughts to something more positive. When it comes to choosing your image, it can be as general as envisioning a range of mountains to something more personal such as relaxing on the beach with your extended family. 

If you’re having trouble with visualization, don’t hesitate to combine this practice with another relaxation technique. This could be anything from massage therapy to something more creative such as hookah smoking. 

6. Embrace Nature 

If you’re feeling stressed out, stepping outside and enjoying nature just might be all it takes. 

Spending time in nature can be as simple as visiting a local park or spending time in your garden. In doing so, we’re naturally stepping away from life’s distractions and taking a break to enjoy the fresh air. We’re also engaging many of our senses from vision and touch to smell and hearing. 

Is the connection between nature and happiness too simple to be true? 

As it turns out, there’s scientific evidence to support the benefits of ecotherapy. In fact, studies have found that being in nature for just ten minutes can help to reduce feelings of stress and increase pleasantries.

So, the next time you feel your blood pressure increase, take a break from life and step outside. It just might turn your day around! 

The Best Relaxation Methods 

If you’re suffering from high amounts of stress, it’s officially time to take your life back into your own hands. 

The good news is that reducing the stress in your life doesn’t have to be rocket science. With these relaxation methods, you can increase your happiness and minimize the tension you experience daily. From visualization and mindfulness meditation to nature and deep breathing, these methods are simple to practice in your daily life. 

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Kenneth Bennett Atticus

Atticus Bennett: Atticus, a sports nutritionist, provides dietary advice for athletes, tips for muscle recovery, and nutrition plans to support peak performance.