Dental Implants Risks

Dental implant devices consist of two different parts. One is a titanium bar that is placed inside the jawbone in the empty space where the tooth used to be, and the second part is a ceramic copy of a tooth that is firmly attached to the titanium bar. This process is completed few months after the titanium rod has been placed in the position to allow it to fuse into the jawbone.

The dental implant risks connected with titanium rod are pretty much absent. The titanium belongs to the group of inert metals, whose characteristics are compatibility with human tissue. For that reason, human tissue does not respond with rejection as it is commonly seen with organ transplants. Titanium is actually the material used in many medical procedures and has been used in prosthetic hip joints for almost half a century.

The ceramic prosthetic tooth used in dental implant is the same as that used in regular tooth crowns and represents no risk, except in the case when dentist incorrectly bonds the prosthetic tooth to the titanium rod. Most usual side effect associated with such malpractice is that the ceramic prosthetic tooth can dislocate from the titanium rod, but such malfunction can easily be corrected, as well as there is no actual physical risk to the individual.

Other Medical Dental Implant Risks

Any dental implant risk that could occur due to any reason can be reduced with a cautious exam prior the procedure. During the exam, patient should present a clear image of his or her health and dental conditions from the past. This information will come very useful when the dentist is about to determine what kind of procedure will be most suitable for the patient given his or her medical history, and will determine possible complications that could arise, as well as consider if anesthesia would be necessary or not.

There are few risks associated with dental implant that cannot be averted completely and are normal companions of this procedure. They are risk of infection, nerve damage, and a possibility that when a dentist inserts the titanium rod into its place, the sinus membrane could get ruptured. A patient can also experience few risks after the procedure, especially if he or she does not follow instructions given by a dentist. Smokers and those who suffer from diabetes will be exposed to greater risks, due to the fact that their tissue may heal more slowly and is not as capable to deal with possible infections.

Some of the side effects of dental implant procedure that are not that serious are: tenderness, swelling, and pain in the spot where prosthetic tooth has been inserted. Some report that after the procedure they had difficulty speaking or developed gingivitis, in which case you should immediately notify your dentist who will proceed with the solution.

Kenneth Bennett Atticus

Atticus Bennett: Atticus, a sports nutritionist, provides dietary advice for athletes, tips for muscle recovery, and nutrition plans to support peak performance.