The human body is interesting to study. It is made up of about 60 percent water.
However, there is much more to the human body than just water. There are intestinal parasites that reside inside of humans.
Let’s look at the most common intestinal parasites and how they operate in the body.
Tapeworms Are Common Intestinal Parasites
A tapeworm is a type of flatworm that can live in the intestinal wall. Tapeworms get into the intestines when you drink water that has been contaminated with their eggs or larvae.
Eating raw meat can cause tapeworms in humans. Tapeworms will bury their heads in the wall of your intestine. They can produce eggs that eventually turn to larvae and then move to other parts of the body.
A tapeworm can get very long and live in the body for up to three decades.
Flukes Are Found in Animals and Humans
Flukes are flatworms. Although animals are more likely to get flukes, humans can get them as well. Eating freshwater plants, as well as raw watercress, are what often cause flukes to live in humans.
They live in the intestines, tissues of the body, and even in the blood. There are several varieties of flukes. Flukes normally grow a few inches in length.
Hookworms and the Soil
These worms can be transmitted into your body when you walk barefooted on soil that is contaminated. This is because this kind of worm can pierce through the skin.
Hookworms like to live in the small intestines. They attach themselves to the intestinal wall by using a hook, hence their name. They are not very long, usually less than an inch.
Threadworms Found in Children
These worms are very common in children and can transmit from one person to the next very quickly. They live in the rectum as well as the colon.
They lay eggs around the anus at night. These eggs can then go on clothing and bedding.
People get thread worms by touching the eggs and then putting their hands in their worm. The eggs can even be breathed in because they can become airborne.
Ropeworms From Cleansing
Ropeworms are found when people do colon and other types of cleansing. They show up as rubbery and rope-like.
However, they have not been formally identified by scientists as worms. You should learn more about the mystery surrounding these worms especially if you plan to do any kind of cleansing treatment.
Stay Healthy
Some of the common intestinal parasites listed here are scary to think about. However, keep in mind that information is power. Many of the symptoms of illness you may experience may be caused by worms.
It’s worth exploring these issues with your doctor if you have unexplained illnesses or just want to do a cleansing.
If you would like more health information, please visit the health section for more articles.